Before you test drive the All-New Toyota Prado! 🚙 Watch our exclusive videos and see why it’s built for adventure. Click to explore!


Any make. Any model. 

Our professionally-trained mechanics are offering
the Gilgandra community a BACK TO BASICS [b2b #]
service on any make or model vehicle.


Our BACK TO BASICS [b2b #] offer includes an oil & oil filter change, battery test and tyre rotation & balance.
You will also receive a 20-point vehicle health check with a detailed and easy-to-read report on your vehicles:
Back to Basics inclusions


Passenger vehicle service
SUV service
Commercial vehicle service


Back to Basics

Thank you for your Back to Basics enquiry. Our team will be in touch shortly to book your vehicle on a date and time that suits you. 

Just some of Gilgandra Toyota's advantages: